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Location & date 2024's Spring Meeting 

The 2024's Spring Meeting will be held in Villach, Austria, on April 18 and 19. Our venue is the outstanding Five Star Hotel Warmbaderhof, located in the heart of the Thermal Resort Warmbad-Villach. A place that perfectly combines work and recreation! The Warmbaderhof offers nice rooms & suites, 30 of these rooms in Hotel Warmbaderhof***** and 30 rooms in Hotel Karawankenhof**** are blocked for us. Please make your reservation directly with the hotel as soon as possible. Reservation code is CMP WET 2024. First come - first serve!

Please find the exclusive hotel rates and all relevant information for the Spring Meeting here

This time our meeting is strongly supported by NexGen Wafer Systems as a local co-organizer. 


If you would like to register for the 2024's Spring Meeting please press the button below. Registration / organisation fee is 214.20 Euro (180.00 Euro fee plus 34.20 Euro VAT).

Paper submission

Please submit title and author(s) of your paper as soon as possible using the button below this text! We accept any technical paper from 10 minutes up to 20 minutes. Please stay technical and do not do commercial advertisements! Technical product presentations and announcements are welcome, too. Please clearly indicate such presentations for what it is! We will try to align that with all other presentations in order to get an interesting and varied program.

Please keep in mind - this is your meeting! Make it interesting and exciting - submit your paper now!  


From this year we will change the workshop to a two-half-day event in general! We do not offer single day fee anymore. As desired by many participants, we will offer tutorials for newcomers and everyone who would like to enhance their knowledge in these fields. The agenda will combine technical talks and tutorials in a meaningful way. We will try to set one day for WET topics and the other one for CMP, but we will not stick on a clear separation. Rather we will try to set focus topics in these fields.

Agenda of 18th European Wet & 47th European CMP Users Meeting in Spring 2024, Villach