
General information

Our users meetings should be a platform for a lively and intensive information and knowledge exchange at reasonable effort and cost. This can be achieved only by support from suppliers and manufactures. We highly appreciate the sponsoring we got from industry over the past years! Many thanks on behalf of the whole community! 

 Sponsoring the users meeting is not just giving money! You will have an added value!


  • Small exhibition space (exhibition area with table and chairs) to present its products and services
  • Announcement by its logo/name on this web site and within the meeting in an appropriate way


All benefits from Basic Sponsoring


  • Announcement as coffee break sponsor
  • Optional more exhibition space (flexible)


All benefits from Basic Sponsoring


  • Announcement as conference dinner sponsor
  • Optional more exhibition space (flexible)




If you are interested in to support us, please contact us! Your contribution is highly appreciated by our community! Please write us an email at sponsoring@cmpwetug.eu

Our Sponsors of the 2024 spring meeting

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Basic Sponsors