Location & date 2025's Spring Meeting
This European CMP and WET Users Group Meeting will be held in Leuven, Belgium on April 10 - April 11, 2025. The venue of the conference is the big and well known R&D center imec. Our meeting is also strongly supported by imec as a local co-organizer.
There is a good number of hotels around, most of them within 10 minutes by car. Please find a list of hotel options here.
If you would like to register for the 2025's Spring Meeting please press the button below. Registration / organisation fee is 214.20 Euro (180.00 Euro fee plus 34.20 Euro VAT). In case of credit card payment onsite there will be 5 Euro transfer fee added.
Paper submission
Please submit title and author(s) of your paper as soon as possible using the button below this text! We accept any technical paper from 10 minutes up to 20 minutes. Please stay technical and do not do commercial advertisements! Technical product presentations and announcements are welcome, too. Please clearly indicate such presentations for what it is! We will try to align that with all other presentations in order to get an interesting and varied program.
Please keep in mind - this is your meeting! Make it interesting and exciting - submit your paper now!
From this year we will change the workshop to a two-half-day event in general! We do not offer single day fee anymore. As desired by many participants, we will offer tutorials for newcomers and everyone who would like to enhance their knowledge in these fields. The agenda will combine technical talks and tutorials in a meaningful way. We will try to set one day for WET topics and the other one for CMP, but we will not stick on a clear separation. Rather we will try to set focus topics in these fields.
Tentative Workshop Agenda (subject to change - will be updated continuously according incoming talks & topics)
First day afternoon - Emphasis on WET Topics (but not limited to that):
12:00 pm ... 01:30 pm Arrival & Welcome
01:30 pm ... 03:30 pm Technical Session
03:30 pm ... 04:00 pm Networking Break & Exhibition
04:00 pm ... 06:00 pm Technical Session
06:00 pm ... 07:00 pm Networking & Exhibition
07:00 pm Network Dinner
Second day morning - Emphasis on CMP Topics (but not limited to that):
08:30 am ... 09:00 am Welcome Coffee
09:00 am ... 10:30 am Technical Session
10:30 am ... 11:00 pm Networking Break & Exhibition
11:00 am ... 01:30 pm Technical Session
01:30 pm ... 2:30 pm Light Lunch